Thursday, June 10, 2010

{Love Him}

This evening I've been spending some time reading through this gorgeous blog Wearing His Purity by Lauren.  I really appreciated her particular post, Being a Wife that Loves her Husband.  Even though I'm currently a single gal I think it's important for us as young ladies to prepare for that time of life.  I'm not talking about dreaming of a knight in shining armour to whisk you away to fairyland, I'm speaking of preparing yourself spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. 

Before we meet that our perfect match we need to know if our heart is right.  Are we focusing on the characteristics that we want or are we focusing on the virtues that we can cultivate to bring happiness and fulfillment to our future mate.

That's one of the reasons I really enjoyed Lauren's blog article because she asses some areas that we as single ladies can begin to cultivate.  Let's take the first one, Respect.  When was the last time you told your Dad that you loved him and respected  him for how hardworking he is and the time he takes to spend with you?  When was the last time you thanked your brother for the time he takes to check your engine oil or car tyre pressure? How do you speak to your parents when they give you wise counsel, even though it may be against your heart's desires?  Do you answer in a respectful way and with a thankful heart?

There is so many ways to respect the men in your life now, and if you make this a habit it will come naturally in marriage.

Photograph Credit: Lynn

1 comment:

  1. You are right, this was a *really good* post, thank you for linking to it.

